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Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE)


CPA Canada Handbook – Accounting, section 3031, paragraph 35 requires the financial statements to disclose:

  1. the accounting policies adopted in measuring inventories, including the cost formula used;
  2. the total carrying amount of inventories and the carrying amount in classifications appropriate to the entity; and
  3. the amount of inventories recognized as an expense during the period.
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Company ABC is a manufacturing company specialized in the manufacturing of hiking footwear. Typically, they purchase raw materials and supplies such as leather, textiles, rubber, foam, etc., and through a lengthy manufacturing process, transform them into shoes and related products. The company uses the periodic inventory method to account for its inventory. As of December 31, 2018 year-end, the inventories consist of raw materials, work-in-process and finished goods, and ABC accountant determined the carrying amount of inventories at that date to be $3,200,000.

Here is how ABC Company complies with disclosure requirements above:

Requirement #1

a) Disclose the accounting policies adopted in measuring inventories, including the cost formula used.
The information is disclosed in the notes to the financial statement “Summary of Significant Accounting Policies”.
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2018
1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies


Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value. The cost of raw materials is determined generally on a first-in, first-out basis. The cost of work-in-process and finished goods includes the cost of raw materials plus an allocation of direct and indirect manufacturing costs.

Requirement #2

b) Disclose the total carrying amount of inventories and the carrying amount in classifications appropriate to the entity.
The carrying amount of inventories will be disclosed in the balance sheet with the other current assets.”.
Balance Sheet
December 31 2018 2017
Current Assets
Inventories (Note 4) $3,200,000 $2,900,000
The details about the different categories that make up the inventories should be disclosed in the notes to the financial as follow:”.
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2018
4. Inventories
2018 2017
Raw materials $1,100,000 $930,000
Work in process 720,000 850,000
Finished goods 1,380,000 1,120,000
$3,200,000 $2,900,000

Requirement #3

c) Disclose the amount of inventories recognized as an expense during the period.
Usually, referred to as Cost of Sales, it consists of:
  • Costs previously included in the costs of inventory that has now been sold. Costs such as costs of raw materials and direct labor costs. (= Inventory, beginning of year + Purchases – Inventory, end of year)
  • Unallocated production overheads such as amortization of production equipment, equipment maintenance and supplies, utilities, etc.
  • Abnormal amounts of production costs of inventories.
Statement of Income
December 31 2018 2017
Sales $18,540,000 $16,700,000
Cost of Sales
Inventories, beginning of year 2,900,000 3,150,000
Purchases 8,800,000 7,100,000
Direct labor costs 1,440,000 1,280,000
Shop and equipment maintenance 380,000 235,000
Supplies 230,000 180,000
13,750,000 11,9450,000
Inventories, end of year 3,200,000 2,900,000
10,550,000 10,550,000
Gross profit 7,990,000 7,155,000

1. CPA Canada Handbook – Accounting, section 3031, paragraph 35

Author of this article:
Mahmoud Kessi, CPA, CGA
(204) 226-9576

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